A piece of a piece
Of an alter setting
For an intention
8" x 10" Glicee Prints
Photo Rag Baryta Paper | Fine Art Paper
Photograph of an Alter Piece created by Simcha
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The poem behind the piece:
"Respect me now"
My shadow demanded
"Please, just quiet down"
I pleaded
"I will only get louder
You will hear my rage
And you must listen"
She sternly told me
As she put a weight on my heart
"Why? Tell me."
I had to know why
She must be heard so constantly
To tell me about sadness, blame and shame
"Because I have a message for you
And your purpose of living
That you desperately want to define
Is within it," she got my attention
So I sat, quietly and listened
And as I gave her space,
The rage settled, the blame stopped
I heard very clearly and simply
The work I was here to do
To know, full heartily that I am wholly.
Whole and holy, to know I'm not alone
That the magic I hold is a necessity
And that all that she holds
Is fuel for my own healing
To then serve others
I found myself on my knees
As I slightly bowed, to honor her
She became lighter and sweeter
"Just like when you speak,
Want to be listened to...
That's all I want as well.
I am not evil. I am a part of you."
I heard, sitting longer with her
As I saw the lightness in me
And the darkness in me
Hold hands in silence
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SKU: shadow portrait 1
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